This menu allows you to view and manage registered users.
Users can sign up for Metatron Discovery in one of the following two ways:
Administrator’s approval of a user’s application for membership (see Membership Approval )
Registration by the administrator (see Register a member)
Members home¶
The Members home shows a list of Metatron Discovery members. The member list can be filtered by various criteria, and clicking on an entry in the list allows you to view and edit the selected member’s information.
View and edit member information¶
Clicking on a member in the list opens the member information page shown below:
This page displays some basic information and allows a number of settings.
Status setting (Active/Inactive): An inactive member cannot log in to the system.
Reset password: By clicking this, a user has forgotten the password can receive an email to reset it.
Group setting: Click on the
icon to add or delete groups to which the member belongs. See Groups for details on the user group.
Register a member¶
Click the Create member button on the top right of the page to pop up the member creation dialog box below.
Enter the member’s real name, ID, and email address to register the member, and the membership details will be sent to the email address.